The following questions and answers are general in nature. For more detailed information please refer to the Retirement Summary Plan Description and Plan Document or contact the Administrative Office.
- If I am unable to obtain information from any of my past employers covering periods of employment to be applied toward my Past Service Credit, where else may I obtain such Information?
- What happens to my benefits if I should leave the United States?
- Where do I write to obtain a birth certificate or proof of date of birth?
- What is the minimum age at which benefits may be vested under the Plan?
- If, after my retirement, my contingent annuitant should die before me, may I designate a new contingent annuitant?
- How are benefits computed?
- Are my Plan benefits reduced by Social Security benefits?
- How do I establish Past Service Credit?
- Can I withdraw contributions made to the Fund on my behalf?
- Will l receive a periodic report of my credits?
If I am unable to obtain information from any of my past employers covering periods of employment to be applied toward my Past Service Credit, where else may I obtain such Information?
If you have been unable to obtain information concerning past periods of employment, at the time of your retirement you should contact the Social Security Administration whereby you may secure past employment information, beginning with 1936, fromthe Social Security records.What happens to my benefits if I should leave the United States?
If you or your beneficiary should desire to leave the United States, you will continue to receive benefits provided under the Plan. Arrangements should be made through the Administrative Office. Benefit checks may be mailed to any address in accordance with U.S. Government regulations. Retirees wishing tohave benefit checks held for them by the bank while they are traveling or deposited into a bank account should also contact the Administrative Office.Where do I write to obtain a birth certificate or proof of date of birth?
In the event you are unable to obtain a copy of your birth certificate from the State of your birth or other proof of the date of your birth, you may apply to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, for a search of Census Records. You may obtain an Application for Search of Census Records, Form BC600, from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. 20233.What is the minimum age at which benefits may be vested under the Plan?
There is no minimum age required for vesting.If, after my retirement, my contingent annuitant should die before me, may I designate a new contingent annuitant?
The Plan rules provide that you may designate only one contingent annuitant and benefits paid to a retiree are based on the fact that there will be only one contingent annuitant. For this reason, you may not designate a new contingent annuitant after you retire even upon divorce.- How are benefits computed?
Benefits for normal retirement are computed by multiplying your years of Past Service by $5.50 plus multiplying your total benefit contributions by 2.75% plus a benefit based on the value of your individual account, if your retire-ment date is on or after January 1, 1996. For the formulas for a retirement date prior to January 1, 1996, please contact the Administrative Office.
Years of service prior to the date on which a contribution was first made to the Fund are years of Past Service Credit. You may have up to a maximum of 14 years of Past Service Credit. Unless you are included on the first report of a new Employer In the Plan, no Past Service Credit is given for any period after December 31, 1962.
Suppose you are 45 years of age when you came into the Plan on January 1, 1977, you are entitled to 5 years of Past Service Credit and you continue to work until you are age 65. Assume your contingent annuitant is not over 10 years younger than you. When you retire on January 1, 2010, assume you have had $30,000 in contributions paid on your behalf prior to April 30, 2009 and the value of your individual account is $16,000.
You and your contingent annuitant will be provided with a retirement benefit computed as follows:
Past Service Credit5 years x $5.50 factor= $ 27.50 Current Credited Service through April 2009$30,000.00 x 2.75%= $825.00 Current Credited Service May 2009 forward$0.00 x 1%= $ 0.00 = $852.50 Monthly benefit to retiree$852.50 x 90%= $767.25 Contingent annuitant's monthly benefit following your death$767.25 x 75%= $575.44
In addition, you may elect to receive the value of your Individual Account as a lump sum distribution, or alternatively as an addition to the amount of your monthly benefit
Individual Account Balance available as a lump sum = $16,000.00
Example (2): ANNUITY FOR LIFE (no survivor benefit)
Actuarial Equivalent Amount available as an addition to your monthly benefit = $166.67
Addition to Monthly benefit to retiree$166.67 x 90%= $150.00 Addition to contingent annuitant's monthly benefit following your death$150.00 x 75%= $112.50
With the same assumptions as above, your retirement benefit will be computed as follows:
Past Service Credit5 years x $5.50 factor= $ 27.50
Current Credited Service$30,000.00 x 2.75%= $825.00 Current Credited Service May 2009 forward$0.00 x 1%= $ 0.00 = $852.50 Monthly benefit to retiree$852.50 x 90%= $852.50As shown in example (1) your Individual Account Balance may be received as a lump sum or converted to a monthly amount added to your monthly benefit.
Individual Account Balance available as a lump sum = $16,000.00
Actuarial Equivalent Amount available as an addition to your monthly benefit = $166.67Because a participant retiring prior to age 65 will, on the average, receive benefits for a longer period of time, benefits paid to such a Participant will be reduced approximately 1/180th for each month (1/15th for each year) he retires prior to age 65.
Are my Plan benefits reduced by Social Security benefits?
No, the Plan benefits are payable in addition to any Social Security benefits payable to you.How do I establish Past Service Credit?
If you qualify for Past Service Credit as outlined in Article III, Section 2, page 21, to prove your past service in the Industry you must complete an enrollment card listing the name and address of your employers and the dates you were employed by each employer.Can I withdraw contributions made to the Fund on my behalf?
No, contributions made on your behalf are returned only in the form of retirement, disability or death benefits provided by the Plan where the eligibility rules have been met.Will l receive a periodic report of my credits?
Yes, the Trustees will continue to send the annual "green sheet" report of Credited Service, vesting credit, contributions paid and the value of your individual account.